Mike & Mary Wallace, Missionaries in Mexico City
November 18, 2024
Dear Pastors, Friends & Family,
Greetings in Jesus’ Name from Mexico City! Though Thanksgiving is fast approaching, we don’t want to wait until next week to thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement ... so thank you! We are thankful for the opportunity God has given us to be on the mission field, and we are grateful for you all that help make that possible.
Things went well here last week. As we took our visitors back to the airport on Tuesday to say goodbye as their mission trip ended, we were greeted by a huge Santa Muerte figure inside the airport, though the Day(s) of the Dead & Halloween had ended.
Last week our church here was out in the “harvest field” sowing the gospel seed. Thankfully we were able to also reap, as Carlos received Christ as Savior while out knocking doors, as did Alberto. Daniela also received Christ as Savior at church after hearing the gospel, and is our custom, was presented a Bible.
The orphan ministry is going well, both with the girls and boys, but it seems we are barely scratching the surface as they say there are over 1 million orphans here in Mexico City. We have to make a quick trip to the border in December, and upon our return, we plan to go to the dumps where many orphans live and are forced to work to survive. We plan to take them some food & clothing, then preach the gospel to them. Please pray about that for us.
Thanks for your time today. We are “...your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (II Corinthians 4:5).
The Ibrahim Family – Missionary & Church Planters in Guyana, South America since 2011
Dear Prayer Warriors,
“The harvest truly is Plenteous, but the laborers are few;” The doors of Guyana are wide open for the Gospel. About 90 percent of Guyana is interior but there are hundreds of small villages. Most, have no roads that lead to them. To fly to these villages is sometimes the same or more airfare to travel from Guyana to Miami. Lest than 5 percent of these villages have heard a clear presentation of the Gospel and is without a good Bible believing church.
The Williams family is an Amerindian family from our church that has a heart to reach their own people. For the last two years they have made two trips into the Kamarang Village (One of the villages that border Venezuela). The only way in is by a small plane. Two Pastors, Mark Mariner and Mukesh Ramharack and two young adults, Megan Ramharack and Mollyann Lovell joined them this year. They did an eye clinic for a few days in the morning and had evening services where 44 persons were dealt with one on one and professed Christ as Saviour. They went to an Elementary school where they were able to preach to all 150 students. Almost all of the 150 kids raised their hands for salvation and with only 6 laborers there to witness to them. A general invitation was given. They were able to visit a high school with dormitories with students from 16 villages. The Head Teacher allowed them to preach to all 548 students. At the end of a clear presentation of a Gospel sermon, along with salvation testimonies, almost all the 548 students raised their hands to get saved with only 6 laborers to witness to them. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that he will send forth laborers into His harvest.” Please pray as the Williams family follow up several people from these villages in a discipleship program and please pray that God will raise up a man that will “stand in the gap.”
The Lord blessed another great Family Conference with Pastor David Owens. His sacrifice and love for our people is shown through his prayers and his powerful sermons. Right after that conference our church started Foundation Baptist Bible Institute. We were shocked when 38 persons signed up. Ten of the students are from three other like-minded churches. We are presently meeting once a week and are doing two classes. Our first class is a video class on the “Harmony of the four Gospels” taught by Pastor Kyle Smith and I teach the second class on Prayer for Revival/Survival. We are praying that God will give us much fruit from this that will glorify Him. We are grateful for Pastor Kyle Smith and Pastor Joel Haynes for having a love for our people and for the encouragement to start this Bible Institute. Thank you for praying for our 15-seat passenger van. The Lord has miraculously provided all the money to purchase it. This van should arrive hopefully in January.
Please continue to pray for our family. We greatly covet your prayers.
Listening for the Shout!
Pastor Zakir, Sheena, Nathanael, Brianna, Emily, Josiah, Katelyn, Micah, Miriam & Samantha Ibrahim
Sending Church:
Victory Baptist Church
22 Old Road Providence,
E.B.D., Guyana, S.A.
Pastor Noel Shrivnauth
Church Address:
Foundation Baptist Church
393 Golden Grove,
East Bank Demerara
Guyana, S.A.
592-216-2669 or 592-216-0247
Mailing Address:
213 Section ‘B’ Block ‘X’
Great Diamond,
East Bank Demerara
Guyana, S.A.
592-216-6920 or 592-645-3647
Email: [email protected]
The Akuokoh Family – Missionaries to Ghana, West Africa
Dear Praying Friends,
It is glory just to walk with Him. We thank God for getting us through another month in Sunyani. We are absolutely blessed to know that we get to walk with Him each and everyday of our lives. Hopefully, you too can rejoice over how glorious it is to walk with Him..
About two years ago, just after we moved to Ghana, we received a few emails from supporting churches letting us know that they were not receiving the prayer letters we were sending out by email. Every church, pastor, and individual who placed their name on our mailing list should be receiving a letter by email every month. We
discovered that our email server is selective about who it sends emails to, even if you are on the list. Unfortunately, this discovery was made just this year, so there might be some of you who think that we just stopped sending prayer letters, but that’s not the case. We have found a solution to the issue and I’ll be testing it out over the next two to three months. Churches-- if some of your members were receiving letters from us, but then they stopped receiving them suddenly, please let them know that they can message me at this email address- [email protected] to add them to our mailing list again. Pastors- I apologize for not catching this sooner. I’m currently
combing through all of the email addresses on our mailing list to find out who the server has not been sending the letters to. Thank you for understanding.
We have had a tremendous month of soul winning and church services. The Lord allowed us to lead six souls to Him. I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with a man named Derrick toward the end of October. Two weeks later, Mr. Derrick came to church. I was also able to lead four of our Nigerian neighbors to Christ. Just last week, Bro. Amos and his wife, Ms. Sarah, came soul winning together as a family for the first time. In their first time soul winning together, they led the mother of a few children in our church to the knowledge of salvation. Praise the Lord for how He’s been working in their lives. It’s a thing of beauty to watch them grow together.
We had six visitors in church this past week, and ten overall since our last prayer letter. One family is responsible for bringing eight of those ten visitors. Many in the church are working to see the house of God full every time we have a service. We are thankful for the hard work and faithfulness of the Lord’s people. Please continue to pray for the growth of our converts and growth of our church.
My wife has been working with the little children to memorize Bible verses for a few weeks. Last week, the children from her class were able to stand in front of the adults and teenagers to recite all the verses they had been learning. They are now working on a Christmas program. Please join us in praying for the Lord’s blessing upon what they are planning. We have also been teaching some of the teenagers how to play the recorder. A couple of weeks ago, four of them were able to stand in front of the church and play Amazing Grace. We thank God for all that He’s doing through the children. On October 26th, we enjoyed a trip to Kumasi as a church, along with Bro. Rexford’s church. We visited the military museum, the Kumasi Zoo, and the Barekese Dam with a group of 21 people from church. It was a great time of fellowship. I always enjoy trips like these not just for the fun and fellowship, but it gives our church people a chance to see that we are not alone in upholding the Bible standards and principles we believe.
Church Building Project Update
The time of year has come when we make the transition from the rainy season to the dry season. When this time comes around we usually have some heavy rainfall before the transition is official. On the evening of Monday, October 28th, we had one of those storms, with heavy rain and wind. For more context on the story I’m about to tell, our church property sits on a slope of about 30°-40°, so when it rains all the water gets funneled to the bottom of the property, just behind the kitchen building. On the day of that storm, the rain picked up all the dirt that had been tracked onto the property by the vehicles going in and out, and clogged the drains behind the kitchen. That evening the water had no place to drain, and the water level rose up to build such great pressure that it destroyed the side wall of the property. Despite this unforeseen setback, we know that it was no surprise to God. Although this makes our opening date cloudy to see, we know that God is in complete control; the project is entirely in His hands. We have not been able to rebuild the wall yet, (funds pending) but we have been able to put the glass windows up in the classrooms and security room, as well as paint the inside of the auditorium and doors. Thank you for your continued prayers and donations made towards this project. Please help us pray for patience to complete the project in God’s time.
Daniel, Raquel, Ezekiel, & Benjamin Akuokoh
GHANA PHONE NUMBER: +233 544 975 591
EMAIL: [email protected]
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341
Field Mailing Address: COMING SOON!
5305. ZION RD
(301) 473-8900
P.O. BOX 9
(423) 344-5050
Mark and Sabrina Holmes – Missionaries in Nigeria, West Africa
Dear Praying Friends,
Through our affiliation with Christian Media International, we have been operating a fully equipped audio/video studio in the southwest region of Nigeria for three years and are now televising seven weekly Gospel programs in six languages. As a way for CMI to fulfill humanitarian efforts through missionary partners, Impact Others explores more unique ways to spread the message of salvation. Working with Impact Others, multiple widows’ meetings have been conducted, often bringing in over 200 ladies for a Gospel message and a gift of various foods and toiletries; furthermore, the ministry of benevolence has funded a new business for several of these ladies to help support their families. An orphanage with which we partner has received assistance through IO, and recently, we were given support to enable three churches to do boreholes on their properties. As a result of these mechanized wells, not only is clean water provided to parishioners, but a tap is also opened for the public to use. We are regularly hearing testimonies of people gladly listening to the Gospel and receiving Christ when they come to draw water freely from the church. At the end of September, one of the beneficiary churches held a commissioning service in our honor to thank CMI for their new borehole. Also, Sabrina and I had the privilege to make a quick trip to Egypt in the middle of October to see more Impact Others projects with CMI’s founder and their CFO.
In the middle of September, my son Brian and I had the invitation for me to preach the Missions Conference at Colorado Springs Baptist Church. Pastor Jason Brockman and I were roommates during my freshman year at Hyles-Anderson College, and we have kept in touch for nearly thirty years. I hardly saw Brian throughout our week in the U.S., as he thoroughly enjoyed himself with the pastor’s family and the church’s youth group, while I had several great opportunities to fellowship with men of God during meals and church services. We went home with suitcases full of gifts and snacks, checks for our building projects, and delightful meditations of a friendship rekindled and potential partnerships established.
Truth Baptist Church’s working relationship with Port Harcourt Independent Baptist Church provided the remaining highlights of the last two months. Just days after the S.M.I.T.E. at PHIBC, our TBC members and seminary students conducted a Vacation Bible School during the second week of September before schools here began a new year. A high attendance of over 500 was recorded during the three day event. On the third Sunday of October, as the founder of Truth Baptist, I encouraged our members to hold the first ever Appreciation Day for the three pastors on our church staff. Each Sunday school class came up with their own gift and presentation at the end of the Sunday morning service; the great participation of the church and obvious delight in the pastors have ensured that this day will become an annual tradition at TBC. A Soul-Winning and Leadership Conference at PHIBC capped off the month of October, as Missionary Evangelists Jim Belisle and Denton Bell joined me for the special meeting of churches with a missions emphasis. For this particular conference, there were a record number of churches (25) represented.
Believing God,
Marke Holmes
Serving With:
FBMI – Missionary #90
507 State St
Hammond, IN 46320
Sending Church:
Faith Baptist Church
8467 Canal Rd
Gulfport, MS 39503
[email protected]
Josh & Alyse Szwarga – Missionaries to New Zealand
After landing in New Zealand on October 11, we allowed ourselves a few days of rest before jumping back into the routine of ministry at Grace Independent Baptist Church. Both of the kids were excellent throughout the twenty-four hours of travel! After our short time of rest, we participated in the regular ministries of the church before our new church has it’s first service on November 17. The growth of the church members has been evident through their involvement in the soulwinning, Bible Institute, Filipino Bible study, youth group, nursing home, and more. God has blessed the faithfulness of this church and has brought many visitors in the past few months.
Our first task upon returning was beginning the search for a home in Matamata. God has brought the right home to us in a miraculous way and we will be moving on December 20.There are countless aspects that have been organized in the starting of the church. Ordering signage and materials, canvassing, rostering of families from sister churches, and visiting prospects has filled much of our time. Ninety members from two churches joined together to canvass the town and a radius of fifteen minutes on the country roads. Shortly after canvassing, I received an email expressing that after much research into our ministry and background, this new church is a direct answer to three years of praying. After a sweet visit in their home, it’s evident that this church is an answer to their prayer and they are a direct answer to our prayer! Others have called in with their support and interest in the church as well.
The Gospel of John: Matamata distribution (more on that in previous letters) began late due to shipping delays but early in November we began going house to house to deliver one to each resident. God has blessed this outreach in great and specific ways. Please pray that many of those who have promised to visit will follow through and that God will work in their heart through follow up visits as well. This distribution will be a year-long project at least, as it is a purposefully slow and deliberate visit each time, and there are 3,000 homes to visit. (With 600 more on the way!)
The first portion of the nationwide John and Romans distribution has been blessed as well. Many have contacted us to give their appreciation, with a steady flow of calls and messages each week as more literature goes out. Another aspect of outreach that we touched on in our previous letter was New Zealand gospel films. Although still in a testing phase, the first week of promoting the four-minute video on Facebook resulted in 450 people watching it. ($70 of advertisement) This was encouraging to everyone involved in the project. We will continue to evaluate the progress of this video as we look to produce several more in the coming months.
God is at work in the hearts of the young people in New Zealand. He has been preparing laborers in increasing numbers that will be future servants in churches, and some of those churches no doubt have yet to be started.
Thank you for praying,
Josh, Alyse, Bentlee and Raelynn Szwarga
Updated Address:
51B Taniwha Place
Bethlehem, NZ 3176
[email protected]
Mailing Address:
Szwargas to New Zealand
9zn889 Nesler Rd
Elgin, IL 60124
The Shrivnauth Family – Missionaries to Guyana
November 2024
Dear Pastor, Friends, and Family,
We celebrated 30 years on the field in September. My, how time has blown by. Twenty-eight years ago, my mother came to visit us from New York City. Mom is a soul winner. She was named “Soul winner of the Year” at least twice in the Phoster Club soul winning ministry of her church. When she was here, she visited with us one Saturday on the bus route. She led a young man to Christ that day named Eson. That young man came to church, got baptized, and has stayed in church all these years. He got married and raised his family in church. Last Sunday, his ten-year-old son, Joshua got baptized. My wife led Joshua to Christ after a Sunday night service back in 2021. I am grateful for soul winners. My mother will be 89 years old on November 16th. Though she is not able to attend church anymore because of physical problems, she still talks about Christ and His salvation to all who come by. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! Hoping you see many more years of service to your Saviour and praying for others.
In September, we started the Teaching All Nations Bible Institute. Twenty-six students are enrolled. Some of you have prayed for this – thank you.
In October, we were honored to have Brother Steven Froelke and his wife, Konny, with us. He was the main speaker for our Faith Promise Missions Conference. Brother Froelke married my wife and me 34 years ago at the church he started and pastored for 28 years, the Victory Baptist Church in Hummel’s Wharf, Pennsylvania. My lovely wife got saved in that church as a teenager, under his ministry. As a matter of fact, the first church we started on the field was also named Victory Baptist Church. If you know Brother Froelke, he has never met a stranger. The people of our church loved his personable and folksy way in preaching and interacting with them. Thank you, Preacher and Mrs. Froelke, for coming and honoring with your love and presence.
The theme for our conference was “The Unfinished Task,” (Luke 14:22). There were three nights in the conference and each night we highlighted one of three countries. The first night was South Africa. The second night was India. The third night was Honduras. Each night some of our ladies and young people from the church made
food from the country that was highlighted. They also dressed in the native-wear of that country. It was a big time for our church, and everybody loved the food tables and the dress-up.
Well, it is almost Christmastime, but first comes Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving Day to each and every one of you. “…therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; and I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.” Psalm 27:6. And, about Jesus coming to earth, we know it as Christmas. Jesus changed addresses temporarily so that we can be changed eternally (see John 6:58). May the Holiday cheer lighten your load and bring Heaven’s peace to your soul. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.” We too are overcomers in Him.
From September to October there were 98 people who got saved in the ministry. Fifteen (15) of those got baptized - fruits for Heaven. Thank you for your part in the harvest.
In Christ Jesus the Anchor holds,
Noel, Charlene, Rydal, Gretel, Elsie and Nolan
Mission Agency:
Baptist International Missions, Inc.
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341
Sent By:
Bible Baptist Church
4190 N. Susquehanna Trail
York, PA 17831
Contact Us:
(You can reach us anytime at the above number.)
[email protected]
c/o Mission Agency Address
Jason & Lori Holt – Chile Church Planter & Latin America Director for VBM
On October 23, 2005, Faith Baptist Church held its first service in Santiago, Chile. Now, 19 years later, by God’s grace, that church—turned over to Chilean leadership over a decade ago—continues to thrive, faithfully proclaiming God’s Word and reaching the lost with the gospel.
On Faith Baptist’s anniversary Sunday, Pastor Jorge invited me to preach. Before the message, 19 individuals lined up across the front of the auditorium, each holding a sign representing the year they came to faith through this ministry. From 2005 to 2024, every year was represented. This beautiful moment captures just a glimpse of how God is at work in Chile.
Lori and I were also encouraged to hear more about their plans to plant Peace Baptist Church with Pastor Claudio in the spring of 2025. We will be sharing more about this new church in the coming months.
This past month, over 150 women from several cities throughout Chile gathered for a ladies’ conference centered on spiritual disciplines. Lori taught all the main sessions. Following each session, small group discussions allowed attendees to reflect and consider areas for growth. Please pray for these ladies as they apply God’s Word to their lives and continue to serve the Lord in their families and local churches.
I was invited to teach a session on Training Future Missionaries at a pastors’ retreat on the east side of Santiago, where over 30 pastors gathered. Several other pastors and missionaries also led challenging sessions on the need to reach the unreached around the world. I am encouraged to see Chileans praying and striving to fulfill the Great Commission.
Shortly after finishing my session on Friday morning, Lori and I drove four hours south of Santiago to speak at Liberty Baptist Church’s three-day missions conference in Parral. By God’s grace, they nearly doubled their faith promise giving commitments and are praying about increasing their current support for missionaries as well as taking on more! Praise the Lord for all He is doing in Parral.
PO Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(470) 377-3667
[email protected]
Sending Church & Support Address:
Vision Baptist Church
Vision Baptist Missions
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
The Brian Roy George Family – Missionaries to Argentina
Need for Chairs! I would like to thank the following churches for their help with the need for chairs for the ministry: Open Bible Baptist Church, Warsaw, Indiana ($500) and Iglesia Bautista La Fe, Durham, North Carolina ($656). We are very grateful for your help! Our goal was 1,000 chairs. We have purchased 70 chairs so far and will purchase 10 more in the next week to complete the rest of the funds. Here is the original note about the need for chairs. “Bethel Baptist Church is going strong! We have over 60 students in our Bible college, and the church is full to overflowing every Sunday. We are working on starting new churches all over the northern area of Argentina. We are seeing growth and revival among our church plants. There is a need for chairs, benches, PA systems, megaphones, Bibles, baptisteries, vehicles, buses, etc. Our men have started to make benches out of pallet wood. I would like to go ahead and purchase strong, heavy-duty, plastic stackable chairs at a cost of $14.45 per chair. Please pray for the urgent need for 1,000 plastic chairs. Praise the Lord!
Need for Air Conditioning Units for the Bethel Baptist Church in Tucuman, Argentina! I would like to thank the following individuals and churches for their help with this need: Uncle Kenneth Sarver ($1,000); Bro. Richard Troell ($5,000); Beacon Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina ($600); and Faith Baptist Church, Bourbonnais, Illinois ($3,000).
Here in Tucuman, Argentina, the heat and humidity are high, and our prayer is to be able to install air conditioning units in the church auditorium. In the summertime, the heat will stay over 90ºF during the day for many weeks and fluctuate from 75ºF to 104ºF on some days. We desire to have air conditioning installed because we believe that the church represents Christ and should be the same or better than where the average citizen lives. Today, most people have at least one air conditioner in their homes, and any business you go to has air conditioning; however, when they come to church, they must endure the heat.
Secondly, we are running several fans to keep the auditorium bearable. These fans create a lot of noise, which makes it harder to hear God’s Word, depending on where you sit. Therefore, we are running the sound system very loudly. All this creates an unpleasant experience where, at times, you can’t understand everything the preacher is saying. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Our prayer is that God would provide the funds to have air conditioning installed soon and that God would give you wisdom about what part your church could have in making this a reality. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please pray for this need!
We have consulted with an expert in this field here in Tucuman and have gotten an estimate for this project. The figures from the estimate include equipment, materials, and labor. It would cost $33,500 today to complete everything. Prices increase daily here, and the exchange rate has been relatively stagnant for the past month. The estimate includes installing the proper electrical infrastructure and 6 light commercial split AC units. These units provide heat and cooling, so this will be a year-round solution. Each unit is 18,000 frigories (5 tons of refrigerant), giving us 30 tons for the auditorium. Thank you for your prayers.
Our WhatsApp updates and Telegram Updates: We are not using Facebook, but we have started to send updates and pictures to WhatsApp and Telegram. If you have a WhatsApp or Telegram account, we would like to add you to our list to receive updates. We also send out PDF updates via email. We can sign you up; just let us know. Our email is [email protected]. Our WhatsApp/Telegram number is +54-9-381-341-6333.
Let’s reach Argentina for Christ!
Happy to serve,
Brian R. George
For Souls,
Brian R. George and Family
Your Missionaries in Argentina since 1996!!
(319) 331-4934 (temp while in USA)
+54-381-341-6333 (also WhatsApp Telegram #)
[email protected]
USA Mailing Address:
Brian R. George
P.O. Box 326
Washington, IA 52353
Sending Church:
Marion Avenue Baptist Church
Pastor Joseph Brown
215 South Marion Ave
Washington, IA 52353
[email protected]
Sending Agency – (send support to this address):
507 State Street
Hammond, IN 46320
The Villafranca Family – Missionaries to Hoonah, Alaska
Pastor and Church,
We pray that we can convey the excitement we feel in this letter. Someone once said, You will be surprised that God has already been working in the field long before you arrived.” We have seen this especially in Hoonah, Alaska. My family and I spent four days there during this time. We were able to bring a Spanish Bible to Juan; unfortunately, he did not have time for discipleship, as he works 90 hours a week.
There are two things that are very exciting for us. First of all, Juan’s girlfriend is a native from a respectable clan. We were able to meet her, and she was very friendly. I believe the Lord will use our relationship with Juan to reach Heidi and her family. Secondly, we had the opportunity to meet a native man who was saved. His name is Jack; he was born again through the ministry of David Wilkerson’s Teen Challenge during his teenage years. He has a solid testimony and shared with me that every native person in Hoonah has heard the Gospel. At first, that statement was hard to understand, but as I got to know him, everything came into context, including the veracity of that statement. Jack is a leader of the Chookanaidi (Eagle clan from the Tlingit tribe) and holds a respected position where people come to him for counsel. About two years ago, his nephew Charlie passed away from a fentanyl overdose. He spoke at the funeral, and in the presence of most of the native clan, he was able to share the good news. As you can imagine, no one got saved, but the seed was planted; God has been working even before our arrival! Please pray that the Lord will continue to open doors.
We are making our time in the capital useful; we continue to invite people to church, and my wife is attending the University of Alaska. During November, we will be traveling south for three meetings to secure full support, so please pray for our safety.
We would like to thank Pastor Kirkland for coming to help us bring our trailer, which we had to discard in Washington during our summer move. As we rode the ferry and talked to people, it was a sobering reminder of what most people in Alaska are here for: some come for adventure, but the majority are running away from something. Pray that the Lord will use us as we share the good news with the people of Alaska.
For His glory,
The Villafranca Family
Phone: 352-602-0356
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: VillafrancastoAlaska
8829 Glendale St Atp 20
Juneau, AK 99801
Sending Church:
Iglesia Bautista Biblica el Faro
Pastor Jorge Armendariz
6000 Waverly Rd
Waverly, FL 33877
Mission Board:
Northwest Bible Baptist Missions
Northwest Bible Baptist Church
Pastor Phil Cavanaugh
9N889 Nesler Rd
Elgin, IL 60124
Make Checks Payable To:
Northwest Bible Baptist Missions
ATTENTION TO: Jorge Villafranca
9N889 Nesler Rd
Elgin, IL 60124
November 18, 2024
Dear Pastors, Friends & Family,
Greetings in Jesus’ Name from Mexico City! Though Thanksgiving is fast approaching, we don’t want to wait until next week to thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement ... so thank you! We are thankful for the opportunity God has given us to be on the mission field, and we are grateful for you all that help make that possible.
Things went well here last week. As we took our visitors back to the airport on Tuesday to say goodbye as their mission trip ended, we were greeted by a huge Santa Muerte figure inside the airport, though the Day(s) of the Dead & Halloween had ended.
Last week our church here was out in the “harvest field” sowing the gospel seed. Thankfully we were able to also reap, as Carlos received Christ as Savior while out knocking doors, as did Alberto. Daniela also received Christ as Savior at church after hearing the gospel, and is our custom, was presented a Bible.
The orphan ministry is going well, both with the girls and boys, but it seems we are barely scratching the surface as they say there are over 1 million orphans here in Mexico City. We have to make a quick trip to the border in December, and upon our return, we plan to go to the dumps where many orphans live and are forced to work to survive. We plan to take them some food & clothing, then preach the gospel to them. Please pray about that for us.
Thanks for your time today. We are “...your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (II Corinthians 4:5).
The Ibrahim Family – Missionary & Church Planters in Guyana, South America since 2011
Dear Prayer Warriors,
“The harvest truly is Plenteous, but the laborers are few;” The doors of Guyana are wide open for the Gospel. About 90 percent of Guyana is interior but there are hundreds of small villages. Most, have no roads that lead to them. To fly to these villages is sometimes the same or more airfare to travel from Guyana to Miami. Lest than 5 percent of these villages have heard a clear presentation of the Gospel and is without a good Bible believing church.
The Williams family is an Amerindian family from our church that has a heart to reach their own people. For the last two years they have made two trips into the Kamarang Village (One of the villages that border Venezuela). The only way in is by a small plane. Two Pastors, Mark Mariner and Mukesh Ramharack and two young adults, Megan Ramharack and Mollyann Lovell joined them this year. They did an eye clinic for a few days in the morning and had evening services where 44 persons were dealt with one on one and professed Christ as Saviour. They went to an Elementary school where they were able to preach to all 150 students. Almost all of the 150 kids raised their hands for salvation and with only 6 laborers there to witness to them. A general invitation was given. They were able to visit a high school with dormitories with students from 16 villages. The Head Teacher allowed them to preach to all 548 students. At the end of a clear presentation of a Gospel sermon, along with salvation testimonies, almost all the 548 students raised their hands to get saved with only 6 laborers to witness to them. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that he will send forth laborers into His harvest.” Please pray as the Williams family follow up several people from these villages in a discipleship program and please pray that God will raise up a man that will “stand in the gap.”
The Lord blessed another great Family Conference with Pastor David Owens. His sacrifice and love for our people is shown through his prayers and his powerful sermons. Right after that conference our church started Foundation Baptist Bible Institute. We were shocked when 38 persons signed up. Ten of the students are from three other like-minded churches. We are presently meeting once a week and are doing two classes. Our first class is a video class on the “Harmony of the four Gospels” taught by Pastor Kyle Smith and I teach the second class on Prayer for Revival/Survival. We are praying that God will give us much fruit from this that will glorify Him. We are grateful for Pastor Kyle Smith and Pastor Joel Haynes for having a love for our people and for the encouragement to start this Bible Institute. Thank you for praying for our 15-seat passenger van. The Lord has miraculously provided all the money to purchase it. This van should arrive hopefully in January.
Please continue to pray for our family. We greatly covet your prayers.
Listening for the Shout!
Pastor Zakir, Sheena, Nathanael, Brianna, Emily, Josiah, Katelyn, Micah, Miriam & Samantha Ibrahim
Sending Church:
Victory Baptist Church
22 Old Road Providence,
E.B.D., Guyana, S.A.
Pastor Noel Shrivnauth
Church Address:
Foundation Baptist Church
393 Golden Grove,
East Bank Demerara
Guyana, S.A.
592-216-2669 or 592-216-0247
Mailing Address:
213 Section ‘B’ Block ‘X’
Great Diamond,
East Bank Demerara
Guyana, S.A.
592-216-6920 or 592-645-3647
Email: [email protected]
The Akuokoh Family – Missionaries to Ghana, West Africa
Dear Praying Friends,
It is glory just to walk with Him. We thank God for getting us through another month in Sunyani. We are absolutely blessed to know that we get to walk with Him each and everyday of our lives. Hopefully, you too can rejoice over how glorious it is to walk with Him..
About two years ago, just after we moved to Ghana, we received a few emails from supporting churches letting us know that they were not receiving the prayer letters we were sending out by email. Every church, pastor, and individual who placed their name on our mailing list should be receiving a letter by email every month. We
discovered that our email server is selective about who it sends emails to, even if you are on the list. Unfortunately, this discovery was made just this year, so there might be some of you who think that we just stopped sending prayer letters, but that’s not the case. We have found a solution to the issue and I’ll be testing it out over the next two to three months. Churches-- if some of your members were receiving letters from us, but then they stopped receiving them suddenly, please let them know that they can message me at this email address- [email protected] to add them to our mailing list again. Pastors- I apologize for not catching this sooner. I’m currently
combing through all of the email addresses on our mailing list to find out who the server has not been sending the letters to. Thank you for understanding.
We have had a tremendous month of soul winning and church services. The Lord allowed us to lead six souls to Him. I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with a man named Derrick toward the end of October. Two weeks later, Mr. Derrick came to church. I was also able to lead four of our Nigerian neighbors to Christ. Just last week, Bro. Amos and his wife, Ms. Sarah, came soul winning together as a family for the first time. In their first time soul winning together, they led the mother of a few children in our church to the knowledge of salvation. Praise the Lord for how He’s been working in their lives. It’s a thing of beauty to watch them grow together.
We had six visitors in church this past week, and ten overall since our last prayer letter. One family is responsible for bringing eight of those ten visitors. Many in the church are working to see the house of God full every time we have a service. We are thankful for the hard work and faithfulness of the Lord’s people. Please continue to pray for the growth of our converts and growth of our church.
My wife has been working with the little children to memorize Bible verses for a few weeks. Last week, the children from her class were able to stand in front of the adults and teenagers to recite all the verses they had been learning. They are now working on a Christmas program. Please join us in praying for the Lord’s blessing upon what they are planning. We have also been teaching some of the teenagers how to play the recorder. A couple of weeks ago, four of them were able to stand in front of the church and play Amazing Grace. We thank God for all that He’s doing through the children. On October 26th, we enjoyed a trip to Kumasi as a church, along with Bro. Rexford’s church. We visited the military museum, the Kumasi Zoo, and the Barekese Dam with a group of 21 people from church. It was a great time of fellowship. I always enjoy trips like these not just for the fun and fellowship, but it gives our church people a chance to see that we are not alone in upholding the Bible standards and principles we believe.
Church Building Project Update
The time of year has come when we make the transition from the rainy season to the dry season. When this time comes around we usually have some heavy rainfall before the transition is official. On the evening of Monday, October 28th, we had one of those storms, with heavy rain and wind. For more context on the story I’m about to tell, our church property sits on a slope of about 30°-40°, so when it rains all the water gets funneled to the bottom of the property, just behind the kitchen building. On the day of that storm, the rain picked up all the dirt that had been tracked onto the property by the vehicles going in and out, and clogged the drains behind the kitchen. That evening the water had no place to drain, and the water level rose up to build such great pressure that it destroyed the side wall of the property. Despite this unforeseen setback, we know that it was no surprise to God. Although this makes our opening date cloudy to see, we know that God is in complete control; the project is entirely in His hands. We have not been able to rebuild the wall yet, (funds pending) but we have been able to put the glass windows up in the classrooms and security room, as well as paint the inside of the auditorium and doors. Thank you for your continued prayers and donations made towards this project. Please help us pray for patience to complete the project in God’s time.
Daniel, Raquel, Ezekiel, & Benjamin Akuokoh
GHANA PHONE NUMBER: +233 544 975 591
EMAIL: [email protected]
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341
Field Mailing Address: COMING SOON!
5305. ZION RD
(301) 473-8900
P.O. BOX 9
(423) 344-5050
Mark and Sabrina Holmes – Missionaries in Nigeria, West Africa
Dear Praying Friends,
Through our affiliation with Christian Media International, we have been operating a fully equipped audio/video studio in the southwest region of Nigeria for three years and are now televising seven weekly Gospel programs in six languages. As a way for CMI to fulfill humanitarian efforts through missionary partners, Impact Others explores more unique ways to spread the message of salvation. Working with Impact Others, multiple widows’ meetings have been conducted, often bringing in over 200 ladies for a Gospel message and a gift of various foods and toiletries; furthermore, the ministry of benevolence has funded a new business for several of these ladies to help support their families. An orphanage with which we partner has received assistance through IO, and recently, we were given support to enable three churches to do boreholes on their properties. As a result of these mechanized wells, not only is clean water provided to parishioners, but a tap is also opened for the public to use. We are regularly hearing testimonies of people gladly listening to the Gospel and receiving Christ when they come to draw water freely from the church. At the end of September, one of the beneficiary churches held a commissioning service in our honor to thank CMI for their new borehole. Also, Sabrina and I had the privilege to make a quick trip to Egypt in the middle of October to see more Impact Others projects with CMI’s founder and their CFO.
In the middle of September, my son Brian and I had the invitation for me to preach the Missions Conference at Colorado Springs Baptist Church. Pastor Jason Brockman and I were roommates during my freshman year at Hyles-Anderson College, and we have kept in touch for nearly thirty years. I hardly saw Brian throughout our week in the U.S., as he thoroughly enjoyed himself with the pastor’s family and the church’s youth group, while I had several great opportunities to fellowship with men of God during meals and church services. We went home with suitcases full of gifts and snacks, checks for our building projects, and delightful meditations of a friendship rekindled and potential partnerships established.
Truth Baptist Church’s working relationship with Port Harcourt Independent Baptist Church provided the remaining highlights of the last two months. Just days after the S.M.I.T.E. at PHIBC, our TBC members and seminary students conducted a Vacation Bible School during the second week of September before schools here began a new year. A high attendance of over 500 was recorded during the three day event. On the third Sunday of October, as the founder of Truth Baptist, I encouraged our members to hold the first ever Appreciation Day for the three pastors on our church staff. Each Sunday school class came up with their own gift and presentation at the end of the Sunday morning service; the great participation of the church and obvious delight in the pastors have ensured that this day will become an annual tradition at TBC. A Soul-Winning and Leadership Conference at PHIBC capped off the month of October, as Missionary Evangelists Jim Belisle and Denton Bell joined me for the special meeting of churches with a missions emphasis. For this particular conference, there were a record number of churches (25) represented.
Believing God,
Marke Holmes
Serving With:
FBMI – Missionary #90
507 State St
Hammond, IN 46320
Sending Church:
Faith Baptist Church
8467 Canal Rd
Gulfport, MS 39503
[email protected]
Josh & Alyse Szwarga – Missionaries to New Zealand
After landing in New Zealand on October 11, we allowed ourselves a few days of rest before jumping back into the routine of ministry at Grace Independent Baptist Church. Both of the kids were excellent throughout the twenty-four hours of travel! After our short time of rest, we participated in the regular ministries of the church before our new church has it’s first service on November 17. The growth of the church members has been evident through their involvement in the soulwinning, Bible Institute, Filipino Bible study, youth group, nursing home, and more. God has blessed the faithfulness of this church and has brought many visitors in the past few months.
Our first task upon returning was beginning the search for a home in Matamata. God has brought the right home to us in a miraculous way and we will be moving on December 20.There are countless aspects that have been organized in the starting of the church. Ordering signage and materials, canvassing, rostering of families from sister churches, and visiting prospects has filled much of our time. Ninety members from two churches joined together to canvass the town and a radius of fifteen minutes on the country roads. Shortly after canvassing, I received an email expressing that after much research into our ministry and background, this new church is a direct answer to three years of praying. After a sweet visit in their home, it’s evident that this church is an answer to their prayer and they are a direct answer to our prayer! Others have called in with their support and interest in the church as well.
The Gospel of John: Matamata distribution (more on that in previous letters) began late due to shipping delays but early in November we began going house to house to deliver one to each resident. God has blessed this outreach in great and specific ways. Please pray that many of those who have promised to visit will follow through and that God will work in their heart through follow up visits as well. This distribution will be a year-long project at least, as it is a purposefully slow and deliberate visit each time, and there are 3,000 homes to visit. (With 600 more on the way!)
The first portion of the nationwide John and Romans distribution has been blessed as well. Many have contacted us to give their appreciation, with a steady flow of calls and messages each week as more literature goes out. Another aspect of outreach that we touched on in our previous letter was New Zealand gospel films. Although still in a testing phase, the first week of promoting the four-minute video on Facebook resulted in 450 people watching it. ($70 of advertisement) This was encouraging to everyone involved in the project. We will continue to evaluate the progress of this video as we look to produce several more in the coming months.
God is at work in the hearts of the young people in New Zealand. He has been preparing laborers in increasing numbers that will be future servants in churches, and some of those churches no doubt have yet to be started.
Thank you for praying,
Josh, Alyse, Bentlee and Raelynn Szwarga
Updated Address:
51B Taniwha Place
Bethlehem, NZ 3176
[email protected]
Mailing Address:
Szwargas to New Zealand
9zn889 Nesler Rd
Elgin, IL 60124
The Shrivnauth Family – Missionaries to Guyana
November 2024
Dear Pastor, Friends, and Family,
We celebrated 30 years on the field in September. My, how time has blown by. Twenty-eight years ago, my mother came to visit us from New York City. Mom is a soul winner. She was named “Soul winner of the Year” at least twice in the Phoster Club soul winning ministry of her church. When she was here, she visited with us one Saturday on the bus route. She led a young man to Christ that day named Eson. That young man came to church, got baptized, and has stayed in church all these years. He got married and raised his family in church. Last Sunday, his ten-year-old son, Joshua got baptized. My wife led Joshua to Christ after a Sunday night service back in 2021. I am grateful for soul winners. My mother will be 89 years old on November 16th. Though she is not able to attend church anymore because of physical problems, she still talks about Christ and His salvation to all who come by. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! Hoping you see many more years of service to your Saviour and praying for others.
In September, we started the Teaching All Nations Bible Institute. Twenty-six students are enrolled. Some of you have prayed for this – thank you.
In October, we were honored to have Brother Steven Froelke and his wife, Konny, with us. He was the main speaker for our Faith Promise Missions Conference. Brother Froelke married my wife and me 34 years ago at the church he started and pastored for 28 years, the Victory Baptist Church in Hummel’s Wharf, Pennsylvania. My lovely wife got saved in that church as a teenager, under his ministry. As a matter of fact, the first church we started on the field was also named Victory Baptist Church. If you know Brother Froelke, he has never met a stranger. The people of our church loved his personable and folksy way in preaching and interacting with them. Thank you, Preacher and Mrs. Froelke, for coming and honoring with your love and presence.
The theme for our conference was “The Unfinished Task,” (Luke 14:22). There were three nights in the conference and each night we highlighted one of three countries. The first night was South Africa. The second night was India. The third night was Honduras. Each night some of our ladies and young people from the church made
food from the country that was highlighted. They also dressed in the native-wear of that country. It was a big time for our church, and everybody loved the food tables and the dress-up.
Well, it is almost Christmastime, but first comes Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving Day to each and every one of you. “…therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; and I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.” Psalm 27:6. And, about Jesus coming to earth, we know it as Christmas. Jesus changed addresses temporarily so that we can be changed eternally (see John 6:58). May the Holiday cheer lighten your load and bring Heaven’s peace to your soul. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.” We too are overcomers in Him.
From September to October there were 98 people who got saved in the ministry. Fifteen (15) of those got baptized - fruits for Heaven. Thank you for your part in the harvest.
In Christ Jesus the Anchor holds,
Noel, Charlene, Rydal, Gretel, Elsie and Nolan
Mission Agency:
Baptist International Missions, Inc.
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341
Sent By:
Bible Baptist Church
4190 N. Susquehanna Trail
York, PA 17831
Contact Us:
(You can reach us anytime at the above number.)
[email protected]
c/o Mission Agency Address
Jason & Lori Holt – Chile Church Planter & Latin America Director for VBM
On October 23, 2005, Faith Baptist Church held its first service in Santiago, Chile. Now, 19 years later, by God’s grace, that church—turned over to Chilean leadership over a decade ago—continues to thrive, faithfully proclaiming God’s Word and reaching the lost with the gospel.
On Faith Baptist’s anniversary Sunday, Pastor Jorge invited me to preach. Before the message, 19 individuals lined up across the front of the auditorium, each holding a sign representing the year they came to faith through this ministry. From 2005 to 2024, every year was represented. This beautiful moment captures just a glimpse of how God is at work in Chile.
Lori and I were also encouraged to hear more about their plans to plant Peace Baptist Church with Pastor Claudio in the spring of 2025. We will be sharing more about this new church in the coming months.
This past month, over 150 women from several cities throughout Chile gathered for a ladies’ conference centered on spiritual disciplines. Lori taught all the main sessions. Following each session, small group discussions allowed attendees to reflect and consider areas for growth. Please pray for these ladies as they apply God’s Word to their lives and continue to serve the Lord in their families and local churches.
I was invited to teach a session on Training Future Missionaries at a pastors’ retreat on the east side of Santiago, where over 30 pastors gathered. Several other pastors and missionaries also led challenging sessions on the need to reach the unreached around the world. I am encouraged to see Chileans praying and striving to fulfill the Great Commission.
Shortly after finishing my session on Friday morning, Lori and I drove four hours south of Santiago to speak at Liberty Baptist Church’s three-day missions conference in Parral. By God’s grace, they nearly doubled their faith promise giving commitments and are praying about increasing their current support for missionaries as well as taking on more! Praise the Lord for all He is doing in Parral.
PO Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(470) 377-3667
[email protected]
Sending Church & Support Address:
Vision Baptist Church
Vision Baptist Missions
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
The Brian Roy George Family – Missionaries to Argentina
Need for Chairs! I would like to thank the following churches for their help with the need for chairs for the ministry: Open Bible Baptist Church, Warsaw, Indiana ($500) and Iglesia Bautista La Fe, Durham, North Carolina ($656). We are very grateful for your help! Our goal was 1,000 chairs. We have purchased 70 chairs so far and will purchase 10 more in the next week to complete the rest of the funds. Here is the original note about the need for chairs. “Bethel Baptist Church is going strong! We have over 60 students in our Bible college, and the church is full to overflowing every Sunday. We are working on starting new churches all over the northern area of Argentina. We are seeing growth and revival among our church plants. There is a need for chairs, benches, PA systems, megaphones, Bibles, baptisteries, vehicles, buses, etc. Our men have started to make benches out of pallet wood. I would like to go ahead and purchase strong, heavy-duty, plastic stackable chairs at a cost of $14.45 per chair. Please pray for the urgent need for 1,000 plastic chairs. Praise the Lord!
Need for Air Conditioning Units for the Bethel Baptist Church in Tucuman, Argentina! I would like to thank the following individuals and churches for their help with this need: Uncle Kenneth Sarver ($1,000); Bro. Richard Troell ($5,000); Beacon Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina ($600); and Faith Baptist Church, Bourbonnais, Illinois ($3,000).
Here in Tucuman, Argentina, the heat and humidity are high, and our prayer is to be able to install air conditioning units in the church auditorium. In the summertime, the heat will stay over 90ºF during the day for many weeks and fluctuate from 75ºF to 104ºF on some days. We desire to have air conditioning installed because we believe that the church represents Christ and should be the same or better than where the average citizen lives. Today, most people have at least one air conditioner in their homes, and any business you go to has air conditioning; however, when they come to church, they must endure the heat.
Secondly, we are running several fans to keep the auditorium bearable. These fans create a lot of noise, which makes it harder to hear God’s Word, depending on where you sit. Therefore, we are running the sound system very loudly. All this creates an unpleasant experience where, at times, you can’t understand everything the preacher is saying. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Our prayer is that God would provide the funds to have air conditioning installed soon and that God would give you wisdom about what part your church could have in making this a reality. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please pray for this need!
We have consulted with an expert in this field here in Tucuman and have gotten an estimate for this project. The figures from the estimate include equipment, materials, and labor. It would cost $33,500 today to complete everything. Prices increase daily here, and the exchange rate has been relatively stagnant for the past month. The estimate includes installing the proper electrical infrastructure and 6 light commercial split AC units. These units provide heat and cooling, so this will be a year-round solution. Each unit is 18,000 frigories (5 tons of refrigerant), giving us 30 tons for the auditorium. Thank you for your prayers.
Our WhatsApp updates and Telegram Updates: We are not using Facebook, but we have started to send updates and pictures to WhatsApp and Telegram. If you have a WhatsApp or Telegram account, we would like to add you to our list to receive updates. We also send out PDF updates via email. We can sign you up; just let us know. Our email is [email protected]. Our WhatsApp/Telegram number is +54-9-381-341-6333.
Let’s reach Argentina for Christ!
Happy to serve,
Brian R. George
For Souls,
Brian R. George and Family
Your Missionaries in Argentina since 1996!!
(319) 331-4934 (temp while in USA)
+54-381-341-6333 (also WhatsApp Telegram #)
[email protected]
USA Mailing Address:
Brian R. George
P.O. Box 326
Washington, IA 52353
Sending Church:
Marion Avenue Baptist Church
Pastor Joseph Brown
215 South Marion Ave
Washington, IA 52353
[email protected]
Sending Agency – (send support to this address):
507 State Street
Hammond, IN 46320
The Villafranca Family – Missionaries to Hoonah, Alaska
Pastor and Church,
We pray that we can convey the excitement we feel in this letter. Someone once said, You will be surprised that God has already been working in the field long before you arrived.” We have seen this especially in Hoonah, Alaska. My family and I spent four days there during this time. We were able to bring a Spanish Bible to Juan; unfortunately, he did not have time for discipleship, as he works 90 hours a week.
There are two things that are very exciting for us. First of all, Juan’s girlfriend is a native from a respectable clan. We were able to meet her, and she was very friendly. I believe the Lord will use our relationship with Juan to reach Heidi and her family. Secondly, we had the opportunity to meet a native man who was saved. His name is Jack; he was born again through the ministry of David Wilkerson’s Teen Challenge during his teenage years. He has a solid testimony and shared with me that every native person in Hoonah has heard the Gospel. At first, that statement was hard to understand, but as I got to know him, everything came into context, including the veracity of that statement. Jack is a leader of the Chookanaidi (Eagle clan from the Tlingit tribe) and holds a respected position where people come to him for counsel. About two years ago, his nephew Charlie passed away from a fentanyl overdose. He spoke at the funeral, and in the presence of most of the native clan, he was able to share the good news. As you can imagine, no one got saved, but the seed was planted; God has been working even before our arrival! Please pray that the Lord will continue to open doors.
We are making our time in the capital useful; we continue to invite people to church, and my wife is attending the University of Alaska. During November, we will be traveling south for three meetings to secure full support, so please pray for our safety.
We would like to thank Pastor Kirkland for coming to help us bring our trailer, which we had to discard in Washington during our summer move. As we rode the ferry and talked to people, it was a sobering reminder of what most people in Alaska are here for: some come for adventure, but the majority are running away from something. Pray that the Lord will use us as we share the good news with the people of Alaska.
For His glory,
The Villafranca Family
Phone: 352-602-0356
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: VillafrancastoAlaska
8829 Glendale St Atp 20
Juneau, AK 99801
Sending Church:
Iglesia Bautista Biblica el Faro
Pastor Jorge Armendariz
6000 Waverly Rd
Waverly, FL 33877
Mission Board:
Northwest Bible Baptist Missions
Northwest Bible Baptist Church
Pastor Phil Cavanaugh
9N889 Nesler Rd
Elgin, IL 60124
Make Checks Payable To:
Northwest Bible Baptist Missions
ATTENTION TO: Jorge Villafranca
9N889 Nesler Rd
Elgin, IL 60124